Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Let go + He(GOD) takes over = Happiness

Choosing what God has in store for your life is the best path you will ever take. Recently, I was able to let God take over of my life by listening to Him and actually doing my part in what He wants me to do. That was--- letting go of someone just not right for me.  I know it sound bogus, but, I do have to say, it was one of the biggest step for me to take action on. I prayed tons of times about it, but every time He shows me an answer, I would just turn my head/mind the other way, and think He was just joking about it.  This lead me to being really heart broken almost everyday/week. Lets just say, almost to the point of quitting school and attending a different one. I remembered talking to my mother on the phone, and I had 1 month to decide what I really want to do. it was challenging I have to say, but my decision was of course---Stay. I wasn't sure why I chose that answer, but I did. Either way, going back to what I was saying--> I wouldn't let go. Just wouldn't. On top of that, I wouldn't listen to God and His guidance I had asked for. But, as time passed by, I finally realized that I was wrong. One day, I fell down to my knee crying, just sobbing away as I told Him about all my problems, including my feelings toward another opposite sex gender. I decided to take stand on what was right and take action to the path God wanted me to go. From there on, I was more happy than ever. Not feeling anymore heartaches on the same thing over and over again. Not having to fuss over something that just wasn't worth fussing about. And best of all, not having to have the feeling of guilt of doing something wrong that I had wronged for ages.

I really want to thank God for all He had done in my life. Sometimes I under estimate God and think He isn't there, but He is there 24/7. -----> For me,  I always tells my friend that I will be there for them 24/7, but in the end, I can't. I would either be sleeping, too tired, too sick, too anything. Just can't be there 24/7 at all. But God, God-->Our loving Heavenly Father, is and will always be there 24/7 no matter what. Even if you reject Him a billion times. He is still waiting. Waiting till the day you return to Him, and trust in Him that He got it all under control. Even if it is the slightest, weirdest, dumbest, or even lamest thing to get over with. He will help you.

My dear brothers and sisters--- I beg you all, please, please let go of your own strength, and let Him--Our Heavenly Father take over. There, you would be at peace, and at a smiling stage. ;)

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